What is Global Developments?
Global Developments is about economic development, past and present. Occasionally a non-developmental post may sneak in here too.
I’m Oliver Kim. I work as a Research Fellow at Open Philanthropy, helping to research causes to fund in global health and development. My academic research is on the rapid rise of the East Asian economies and present-day development in East Africa, with a goal of understanding how we can end poverty. I have an AB in Economics from Harvard College, and recently finished my PhD in Economics at UC Berkeley. I also previously worked at the New York Fed.
Global Developments is plural in order to recognize the multiplicity of possible paths of development and the historical contingency of the resulting paths, and to interrogate narratives of development as both substantive causal accounts and as epiphenomena of development qua development, and blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Mostly I needed a decent pun.
You can also find me on Twitter. To read my research papers, check out my academic website.
The views expressed in this blog do not reflect those of Open Philanthropy.